Health Update: a personal post

Day of Surgery

I’m sitting here in a purple hospital gown waiting to go into surgery. We dropped off the kids to a friend this morning and they should now be at school.

I knew they were worried about me, my kids have very sweet and sensitive hearts. I gave them each a big hug and kiss before we walked out the door to leave.

To say I’m not nervous would be a lie, but on the other hand, I’m not worried. I have so many wonderful friends praying for me and my family today and I know God gives me strength.

He tells me I am not alone and have faith. On the ride up this morning all my songs i saved to my playlist played in a row! From The Breakup Song by Franchesca Burteselli to Fear is a liar by Zach Williams.

How crazy that on the radio all these songs played, I had made sure to save them on my YouTube account so I could hear them before we arrived. God was speaking to me.

I think I was more nervous to write this post because it is personal and not pretty and perfect like so many of us bloggers feel we have to be.

Guess what!?! Life is not perfect! Everyone has struggles, even though they may seem perfect and together on the outside.

My surgery team come and get me, I kiss Kirk and then I’m rolled into the operating room. I move to new bed and they put me under.


I finally wake up, I have no idea how long I’ve been sleeping. It felt like minutes, but Husband ensures me it was hours. Lol he had to wait, so I’ll take his word for it.

Everything went well and now it is time to start recovering. I wasn’t able to eat the first night. I had lots of nausea and vomiting. The pain was pretty bad, nothing seemed to take the edge off.

I think I may have slept 4 hours that night. I hate the constant in and out of nurses. I hear every noise in the surrounding rooms.

I woke up early the next morning and I wasn’t nauseated and the pain seemed to have settled. I ate breakfast and walked the halls a few times. My wonderful husband held my hand as we walked through the halls.

He was always ready to help me with anything I needed. He has taken off this whole week to make sure I dont do anything, then his mom is coming next week to ensure I stick to my recovery instructions.


I’m finally starting to feel better. The support from our church has been almost overwhelming! I got text messages, a card, and meals prepared so my husband wouldn’t have to cook.

Kirk was such a wonderful caregiver! He was so helpful and attentive to my every need. After this experience I realize how much more I love him for everything he did for me.

I am so totally grateful for the people God has put into my life. I have been blessed beyond comprehension.

I hope you are well, I’m excited to be able to start working in my home office again, creating content just for you!

Remember, no matter what you do…

Be fearless!


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