2018 Word of the Year

My 2018 Word of the Year is…

I know what you are thinking…Hello, it is March and you are just now coming up with a word for the year! Trust me I have told myself this way more than I like to admit. Besides who’s counting months anyways!?! No time for that, I’m a rebel! lol

I have been decided on this word of the year for a few weeks now. Though I finally decided on my focus word I just found it so difficult to sit down and actually write this article.  I wanted to tell you how I decided on this word.  If you have not picked a word for your year yet, I highly encourage you to do so! It is giving me something to strive for and focus on, a clear direction.

So how did I come up with my word?

Have you ever felt something deep within? I’m talking down to YOUR bones kinda feelings! As I have been contemplating and researching a word that I wanted, to be my focus for this year, I felt that I was at “a loss for words” literally! I wanted my word of the year to be something spectacular and like totally deep and out there, but nothing seemed to fit what I felt deep down.

So the search began and I looked all over the internet for clues. I read plenty of how to articles. I asked a few friends and family what their suggestions were for words. To no avail, it just wouldn’t come. Trust me when I say the number of articles on this topic are out of this world, don’t believe me just look up word of the year in your search engine and you will see all of the articles! A lot of thought went into this process and I felt so disappointed, all of my peers had these great words. So  I finally decided to stop searching and start listening.

From the moment I decided to start this blog, I have felt a huge change, in my life and just deep down in my bones. It is so hard to describe this feeling. I can remember telling my husband,

“Change is coming, I know it and I feel it. I don’t know what is changing but it is and will be big!”

What does this mean?

I still don’t know what will happen this year. I suddenly realized that I don’t need a fancy focus word for my year, I just need the word that God is slapping me in the face with! “Change.” So simple and yet full of promise.

Like a bad fortune cookie you just can’t help but wish for it to come true, I am focusing on change! There are a lot of areas in my life that really need to change very badly. I need to get my health in check and start exercising regularly. I need to change my prayer life. It is way too informal at this moment. After a few bad encounters at our church, we have moved on and we are still wondering trying to find the right place for our family to worship. This has made my prayer life very unstable and relaxed. I have been so crazy busy with my three children, that things around the house just tend to go to the waist side. I need to get it together and stop doing the same old shit! It is not working and I need to change that.

What do you want to change this year? How can I help you achieve your goals and make this an amazing year of change!?!



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