I like to be specific when it comes to my life and goals. I need a focus, kind of like a map for me to follow. I started picking a Word of the Year last year, in 2018. You can check out that article here.
I don’t think I honestly used it to its highest potential. Kind of like those poor New Years Resolutions you never stick with. I want 2019 to be different!
It can often times be very daunting to think of a new Word for the Year. I know last year it took me forever. If you want to pick a Word for the Year, but don’t know where to start; here are a few tips to help you decide.
Tips for picking a Word of the Year
The best tips I can give you are as follows:
- Think hard about what goal you want to achieve or where you want to be when this year is done.
- Then think about what it is you need to do or change in order to achieve that goal.
- Look for synonyms for that word.
- Pick the word that resonates with you. There is NO wrong word!
This year my focus will be on improving my overall quality of life. In order to do this successfully I have to make an intentional decision to change. More specifically I have to say good bye to my biggest crutch.
This crutch is that one thing that always holds you back. It is the best liar I know. It is a master manipulator. It can make you feel helpless and hopeless.
So what is this crutch? I’m sure you guessed it!
Does that statement make you feel a bit unsure of yourself? Does it make you seem totally inadequate or lacking because you don’t know if you guessed the right answer? It can even make you wonder if you are the only person reading this article that hasn’t put those clues together!
The crutch is fear. Let me tell you that one word has wrecked havoc on my life. It creeps up at the most unexpected and inopportune times for me. I know I am not alone!
I have always said I have total faith in God and his plans for me, but is that the honest truth if I am constantly being affected by fear!?! That hurts to write out and face those words, but how am I going to change if I don’t call out myself. Change hurts!
Honestly I am tired! I am so sick and tired of giving up on myself and my dreams because of fear. As of now I am making not only a resolution, but a personal promise to myself to be fearless.
Fearless is my Word of the Year! I want to make this next paragraph my mantra from here on out. It will be what I tell myself over and over again. I will say it out loud so I can hear and understand every word.
My Mantra:
I will be fearless in every aspect of my life, from health to my business and beyond. Fear, you have no more power over me! There is no room in my life for you to exist. When I feel the urge to let you in, I will see past your tricks and focus my eyes above.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of Power and of Love and of a Sound Mind.
2 Timothy 1:7
My plan
I have started putting together a playlist of songs that talk about leaving fear behind. I will play these songs when I workout, when I wake up and get dressed, and anytime I feel that I may let it back in.
I will spend more time in prayer and scripture to help me drive my focus to the one who matters. I will put this word everywhere! In my business it will drive all my decisions and bring me back to this season. I want this word to resonate with me long after 2019 has come and gone.
When I start to worry about tomorrow I will recall what scripture teaches me about worry and fear.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Are you ready to be fearless!?! Join me for a wonderful year.
What is your Word of the Year? Tell me in the comments below.